
2024-10-29 (星期二)
價值觀教育委員會與科學科和英文科在圖書館舉辦了一次茶敘及圖書分享會。活動中,老師們分別介紹了兩位重要人物:諾貝爾和德蘭修女。同學們在品嚐咖啡和小吃的同時,專心聆聽老師的分享,氣氛輕鬆愉快。透過這次活動,同學們學習到了這兩位人物的行為榜樣,進而理解如何成為尊重他人並具備責任感的人。最後,同學們用英文寫下書簽,以表達對父母的尊重和感謝,感謝他們的付出與支持。The Values Education Committee, along with the Science and English departments, hosted a tea gathering and book sharing session in the library, featuring discussions on Alfred Nobel and Mother Teresa. Students enjoyed coffee and snacks while learning valuable lessons on respect for others and responsibility. In the end, the students wrote bookmarks in English to express their respect and gratitude towards their parents for their contributions and support.
電話: 23422954
傳真: 23445392
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